Outfox the Market Reviews & Tariffs

Outfox the Market offers an alternative energy supply model with no exit fees, but charge a monthly membership fee. They offer one energy tariff which is limited to 100 switches per day.

Below we look at the key things you need to know about them before making the switch.

Compare Outfox The Market Tariffs

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Outfox the Market Reviews

  • Trustpilot – 4.6 out of 5 based on 35,326 reviews in November 2023


Outfox the Market Electricity, Gas & Dual Fuel Tariffs

Outfox the Market only offers one tariff, called Zapp!, to all customers. Note prices quoted are based on a central London address:

  • Variable tariff with no contract
  • Direct debit payment only
  • No exit fees
  • Electricity unit rate 10.462 pence per kWh
  • Gas unit rate 3.2613 pence per kWh
  • No dual fuel offered

For more information visit Outfox the Market products.

Outfox the Market Business Energy

Outfox the Market currently does not offer business energy contracts.

Outfox the Market Background Information

Outfox the Market is a new energy supplier established in September 2017. They were set up as an alternative way to provide energy by charging wholesale prices and not having a standing charge, instead, they charge a membership fee each month based on the level of energy used. They claim they can outfox your current energy supplier and offer cheaper energy bills.

Outfox the Market supplies electricity from their partner which is 100% renewable energy from wind, biothermal, solar and other renewable sources. They have limited availability of their tariffs and can only accept 100 switches each day.

Outfox the Market Smart Meter

Outfox the Market is currently not installing smart meters and there is no information about their plans to start installing them.

They will accept customers who already have smart meters but they cannot accept their automatic meter readings yet.

Other Outfox the Market Meters

Outfox the Market currently does not support prepayment or Economy 7 meters.

They do accept customers with the Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) even though they are not obligated to do so.

Outfox the Market Bills

Outfox the Market only offers tariffs with payment by direct debit. They send out bills each month through the customer portal that is viewable before the specified direct debit date.

Outfox the Market App

Outfox the Market currently does not have an app.

Switching To Outfox the Market

If you want to switch suppliers to Outfox the Market you can do so by either calling them or completing an online quote and selecting to switch. After switching to them you have a 14-day cooling-off period where you can cancel without charge.

Moving Home With Outfox the Market

If you are moving home with Outfox the Market you need to contact them through their live chat on the website or email them with details of your new property, moving dates and final meter readings. You can switch the energy at your new address to them if you want to as well.

Outfox the Market Fuel Mix

There is no official fuel mix disclosure for Outfox the Market but they state that their electricity is from 100% renewable energy generated by wind power.

Outfox the Market In the News

Outfox the Market Hikes Direct Debit Charges for Winter – Utility Week report on how the company has increased direct debit prices by 40% in 2018.

Outfox the Market Complaints

There are no complaints data available for Outfox the Market.

If you want to make a complaint to Outfox the Market:

  • Call – 0800 103 2702, lines are open 8.30 am - 5.30 pm Monday-Friday
  • Email – [email protected]
  • Write – Outfox the Market, North Mills, Leicester, LE3 5DL

They will aim to resolve any issues within 24 hours of receiving the complaint, although more complex issues may take longer. If this is the case they will stay in regular contact with you. If you are unhappy with the outcome you can escalate it to the Customer Service Manager who will review the complaint again within five days.

If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved you can request a final response letter which will detail how you can contact the Energy Ombudsman.

Outfox the Market Contact Phone Numbers & Email

Call – 0800 103 2702, lines are open 8.30 am - 5.30 pm Monday-Friday

Email – [email protected]

Web chat – 


Outfox the Market Address

Outfox the Market
North Mills

Website: https://www.outfoxthemarket.co.uk

Outfox the Market Summary

Outfox the Market is a new energy supplier that offers a different style of energy supply with no contract or exit fees, on a tariff that offers 100% renewable energy.

They supply energy to standard meter customers only, not Economy 7 or prepayment meter customers, however, they will accept those on smart meters but they will have to manually send their meter readings until they build the capability to receive the readings automatically.


  • Competitively priced, although 3 price increases in 2018.
  • Customer service gets mentioned positively in reviews
  • Simple single tariff
  • No exit fees
  • 100% renewable energy


  • 3 price increases in 2018
  • Does not support Economy 7 and prepayment meters
  • Currently not installing smart meters
  • No complaints data and very mixed customer reviews
  • Currently does not have an app
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