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Castle Water Reviews

Castle Water Trustpilot reviews are overall ‘Excellent’, scoring 4.5 stars out of 5, based on 21,408 reviews as of 3rd June 2024. 80% of those reviews are 5 stars, whilst 9% are 1-star reviews, indicating an excellent customer experience.

Despite the 'Excellent' score Castle Water has accumulated, Trustpilot has stated in the 'Company Activity' panel on the review page, that Castle Water use an unsupported invitation method for their reviews that Trustpilot themselves do not support, and so Trustpilot has indicated these results are biased and reliability compromised. 

A statement from the CCW was also released in July 2023 that Castle Water was one of the top three worst suppliers after the CCW had received a huge volume of written complaints against the water retailer.

From a recent review on Trustpilot, we can see customers still reaching out to the CCW: 

"The absolute worst water company to deal with. They failed to read the meter in 5 years and could not even locate it for 3 years but continued to bill ridiculous amounts. Complained and was told they didnt need to read it. I have therefore passed this onto the CCW who are investigating, and one of the questions being asked is why they didnt read the meter as they are obliged to do this a minimum of every 2 years! I have switched 2 meters but am struggling to switch the last." - 30 May 2024

Another review states:

"Do not, never ever, trust this company!!
Castle water is one of the worse companies in the Uk and with the most annoying and unprofessional employees.
I have a small company called Thames Rug Ltd with one employee.
I have been over charged by this company more than three years and they sent me always wrong and I had stop my work to call and sort out my issues!
When I called them to discuss the bills it took more than 30 minutes to get through someone." - 31 May 2024

Many more reviews around billing mistakes and meter switching are apparent on their Trustpilot, even after Castle Water claims its pride in meter reading tasks and accurate invoicing.


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