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Energy comparison takes just 30 seconds to get you a better energy deal. Compare energy prices today. 

We’re a no-nonsense energy comparison service where you can switch home and business energy. Switch energy suppliers online today in just 3 easy steps:

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pink arrow bullet point. Compare a range of live energy tariffs
pink arrow bullet point. Switch to a better energy deal online today!

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Energy Comparison With Trusted UK Suppliers

  • EDF Energy logo.
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  • British Gas logo.
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Energy Comparison In Just 3 Steps

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    Simply provide us with contact details and we'll look up your gas or electricity meter. 

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    Choose a great deal from our live panel of energy suppliers. We work with a panel of trusted UK suppliers with exclusive rates. 

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    Once you have chosen your new energy tariff, we will have you switched over to your new energy supplier within 5 working days.

Energy Tariffs You Can Compare

Energy suppliers offer a range of tariff types for energy customers, based on the customers’ needs. When comparing your gas and electricity, consider which tariff type is most suitable for you. These are the main tariff types available to home customers.

Fixed Rate Tariffs

Fixed rate energy tariffs are an energy contract where customers agree to a fixed unit rate of electricity or gas, as well as a fixed daily standing charge for the duration of the contract. The energy supplier cannot change the rate they charge you, and your bill will only depend on the amount of electricity you use. In the final months of your contract (your renewal window)), you are free to compare energy prices and agree to a new contract without incurring penalty fees.

Variable Rate Tariff

In a variable-rate tariff, you agree to a unit rate that is tied to the fluctuation of wholesale energy prices. This can mean cheap energy bills when wholesale gas or electricity prices are low, but during times of energy crisis, you may find your energy bills rise to an unaffordable level.

Pre-Payment Meter Tariff

Pre-payment meters allow customers to control how high their energy bill is by capping energy costs in a pay-as-you-go system. Customers using these tariffs will need to top up their energy meter with credit.

Multi-Rate (Economy 7 or Economy 10)

Multi-rate tariffs are available to homes with smart meters or multi-rate electricity meters to benefit from cheaper unit rates at night. This is beneficial for homes that use energy during off-peak hours, either because they are awake, or because they have schedule appliances like washing machines or dishwashers to run in the small hours.

Dual Fuel Tariffs

Dual fuel tariffs are tariffs where the same energy supplier provides both electricity and gas. Most homes will have both fuels supplied by one supplier, but for businesses where electricity and gas must be billed separately, there can be discounts available to them by choosing a dual fuel tariff.

Green/Renewable Tariffs

Green and renewable tariffs are an option for those wanting to lower their environmental footprint. With these tariffs, energy suppliers will place renewable energy into the grid. These tariffs can be 100% renewable; carbon offset; zero-carbon (which may include a mix of renewable and nuclear energy).

Learn more about energy tariffs in our guide.

How Much is the Average Home Energy Bill in the UK?

According to Ofgem, the average annual energy bill for a typical UK household (with 2-3 people) is around £1,738 from 1st January 2025. This figure includes both gas and electricity costs and is based on current price cap levels. However, individual bills can vary on household size, energy efficiency, and usage habits.

Industry-wide levies, the price of wholesale energy, and the type of tariff you are on can all impact your average energy bill cost.

We help customers understand their bills and take steps towards reducing them with transparent information. Keep reading to discover whether your average energy bill costs are higher than others in the UK. 

Searching for online deals.

Energy Comparison For Businesses  

On average we help our business energy customers save £1,401* annually. With just 30 seconds spare and a few clicks, you can save on your business energy bills today. 

From small businesses, right up to large consumption users; we have business energy tariffs for everyone. With great business electricity and gas deals, you're just a few clicks away from savings. 


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Energy Comparison You Can Trust 

Well, as it says in our name; we have a powerful energy price comparison engine which we have built ourselves. We really focus on customer experience and making the process as easy as possible to find great energy prices and complete your switch online. If you are still unsure if you have found the right match for you, we’re only a phone call away to help you select the right tariff for you. 

We work with some of the UK’s largest and most trusted energy suppliers bringing you some great exclusive deals. 


Compare Energy Prices

What Is Energy Comparison?

Energy comparison is shopping around for the best energy deal. With us, you can compare energy quotes and plans from different energy suppliers. By comparing each deal from our supplier panel, you will be able to find the cheapest option to save money on your electricity and gas bills.

How Do I Compare Energy Quotes?

To compare energy quotes, simply enter our engine to receive pricing in just 30 seconds! Here’s what you will need to do:

  • Enter your postcode and details about what you’re looking for
  • Browse a list of suppliers with their pricing, contract lengths, and other details
  • Choose the best energy deal based on your needs and budget

What Information Do I Need When I Compare Energy Quotes?

To compare energy quotes accurately, you will need your postcode and information about your current energy use. This usually includes your annual gas and electricity consumption and property type, like a house or a flat. You can usually find your usage on a recent energy bill.

What Should I Consider When Comparing Energy Quotes?

When comparing energy quotes, you should consider factors beyond just pricing. Make sure to look at contract lengths, exit fees, and customer service ratings. 

Some suppliers offer green energy, while others specialise in certain contract types. You should choose the supplier that best fits your needs and budget, while also considering the service you will receive.

Tips To Lower Your Energy Bill

Using less energy is the ideal solution for people who want to tackle their energy bills without calling their suppliers. Homeowners and tenants can use more energy than they need without realising it. Here are a few easy tips and tricks to reduce your overall bill.

  • Turn off your appliances – We recommend turning off all appliances at the socket when they are not in use. Appliances on standby might not seem like they consume much energy. Over time, standby appliances can add an unnecessary expense to your energy bill. 
  • Install a new boiler – If your home has an old or defunct boiler, it could be costing you money. Old boilers need more time than modern alternatives to produce sufficient energy for your home, which means that you use more energy in the long run. 
  • Install a smart thermostat – Smart thermostats are perfect for people who want to monitor their average energy bill costs. Smart thermostats allow homeowners to control their energy usage from their phones. You never have to worry about leaving the heating on all day again with this handy piece of energy-saving technology. 

Understanding Your Energy Bill

With the average energy bill cost fluctuating every month, more and more people want to better understand their energy consumption. At Power Compare, we exist to compare home energy and explain the confusing jargon that comes with your bill. Here are a few shortcuts that can help you better understand your bill. 

  • Tariff name – Tells you what energy tariff you are on. If you need to compare home energy prices and switch suppliers, you will need to know the exact name of your tariff. 
  • Total kWh/This cost – This tells you how much electricity you use every year. A kWh is a unit that means kilowatt-hour, a unit of measurement for energy.
  • Total units/This cost – This tells you how much gas you use every year. 
  • Estimated usage over 12 months – Tells you how much gas and electricity you have used in the last year. It is important to remember that this section is an estimate. If you have not been with your supplier for a year, they will base their estimate on the amount of time that you have been with them.
  • Electricity supply number – Tells you your unique Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN). 
Compare Energy Prices

How Energy Bills Are Calculated

Unit Charge

The unit charge is determined by the tariff you are on, but this is the amount you pay for each kilowatt (kWh) of energy you use. This may be a fixed price or variable each month depending on the tariff you have chosen. 

Standing Charge

The standing charge is determined by the tariff you are on, but this is a fixed amount each day that pays for the energy network costs for supplying energy to you. The standing charge amount varies by tariff as energy supplies often blend this with the unit charge to create more attractive tariffs. Some energy suppliers offer tariffs with no standing charge.

Tariff Comparison Rate

You may see a tariff comparison rate on your bill. This is a rate that is calculated based on the standing charge, unit cost and any discounts so that you can compare the tariff against other tariffs. If you are unhappy with your energy bill and do not seem to be getting is resolved with the supplier, you should contact the Energy Ombudsman.

Energy Calculation

Calculating the amount of energy used is straightforward for electricity when you look at the meter readings as you just deduct the previous reading from the current reading, then add on the standing charge times by the number of days the bill covers, deduct any discounts, and finally add VAT.

Electricity cost = (no. of kWh used x unit charge) + (standing charge x no. of days the bill covers) – any discounts x 5% (VAT)

The gas bill calculation is much harder as the usage needs to be converted into kWh as gas meters operate in volume either cubic meters or feet depending on the age of your meter.

On the bill somewhere will be the standard calculation that the energy supplier uses to calculate the kWh. This may involve converting feet into meters, factoring in a calorific value and converting it to kWh.

Once you have a kWh figure from this calculation is the same as the electricity calculation above, kWh is timed by the unit charge, then add the standing charge times by the number of days the bill covers, and deduct any discounts before VAT is added.


Your tariff may offer you discounts for paying by direct debit and/or for paperless billing. These will be applied to your bill before VAT is added. These discount amounts may look different to what you were offered due to the amounts being deducted before VAT when you will have been quoted post-VAT figures. This still offers you the same level of discount.

Personal Projection

Your energy bill may show a personal projection which will show what your energy supplier thinks you will use over the next 12 months. The energy supplier will use this to calculate your direct debits for the next 12 months so if you think it might be wrong you should contact your energy supplier to discuss it.

The personal projection can also be used when comparing energy prices.

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