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Commercial Electricity Meter Installation

Ensuring you have the correct commercial electricity meter installed is one of the keys to unlocking cheaper electricity bills. 

Depending on your business type, usage and what times of day or night you’re consuming the most electricity can change what meter type you need. 

We often offer our customers free commercial electric meter installation when you switch suppliers with us. We’ll aim to have your new meter installed within 2 weeks.

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Types Of Commercial Electricity Meters 

Once you have decided to save money on your bills and get a new electric meter, it’s time to identify the best meter type for your business. Here are your options: 

Single rate meters 

For businesses with one building, a typical ‘working day’ consumption and a simple way of monitoring usage; you’ll likely want one of the following meter types. 

  • Standard meter - measuring your usage in the simplest way as you’re charged one unit rate no matter the time of day. You will need to submit regular meter readings to your supplier. This is not the most accurate way of tracking your electricity usage as it requires at least one reading per month. 
  • Commercial smart meter - this is suitable for most small businesses and automatically sends meter readings to your supplier before your monthly bill is generated. There’s no need for manual readings.
  • Half hourly meter - for businesses with high electricity usage, it is legally required to have this meter type installed. You can find out about half-hourly meters and their usage bands here

Two & three rate meters 

For businesses operating during unsocial hours or late evenings; a two or three-rate meter can save a significant amount of money. Here are the options: 

  • Time of use meters - the unit rate you’re charged changes depending on the time of day. These are often known as Economy 7 & 10 meters. For example, you will pay a much cheaper unit rate during the evening/ night-time hours and a higher rate in the daytime. These are very popular for businesses that operate mainly in the evening but can become expensive as the daytime rates are often much higher than other tariffs. 
  • Three rate - this is also classed as a time of use meter but considers weekends. For example, you will be charged three different unit rates for standard daytime, evenings and weekends. 

Do I Need A New Commercial Electric Meter? 

Businesses require a new commercial electricity meter if they’re moving into new premises, the meter is no longer fit for purpose (either outdated or has grown), or you’re currently operating on an old analogue meter. 

You may want to move towards automatic electric meter readings to avoid estimated billing. We’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Can I Request A New Meter? - Commercial Electricity Meter States 

If you’re moving into new premises you may not know what type of electricity meter you have. However, the first step should be determining your meter state. You’ll need your Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) to identify your supply. The MPAN status indicates if your building is ready for supply or requires site work. 

There are three possible stages that your meter could be: 

  • Live - this is great news as your meter is set up and ready to go. You can switch suppliers now or request a brand new electric meter now.  
  • Disconnected - your service cable has been removed and will require what we refer to as ‘siteworks’. You will need to contact your Distribution Network Operator (DNO) to arrange new cable installation. You will be given a new MPAN number and once you have this, you can switch suppliers to start saving. You can find out who your DNO is here to arrange new cable installation.
  • New/ Energised - You have your new MPAN number but still need to gather some extra information like your profile class. You could be classed as a ‘new’ meter state if you’re waiting for your service cable to be connected. You don’t need to do anything yet as it can take 3-4 weeks for your MPAN to be activated. You can request a new meter at this stage but the work cannot be completed until your MPAN is activated.
  • De-energised - whilst the supply cable is still in place the fuse has been removed. This means the building has had its electric meter removed by the supplier and is now classed as de-energised. You will need to contact the supplier who removed the meter to reinstate the meter before you can have a live supply. 

What Is My MPAN Status? 

Understanding your MPAN status can save you a lot of time as you cannot switch energy suppliers if you're disconnected or de-energised. Your MPAN number is unqiue and allows relevant parties, including your supplier to identify your meter and supply. 

You can check your meter status with your current supplier; or if your moving into a new property you can contact the National Grid's helpline (0870 608 1524).

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